Barbie Digital Makeover Mirror

The Barbie Digital Makeover application transforms the iPad into a digital makeup mirror for endless play! Girls use the free downloadable app for mess-free makeovers to try out virtual makeup that includes eye shadow, lipstick, glitter, and more!  Barbie Digital Makeover Mirror is a play tablet case made to fit the iPad. The case is designed as a mirror, where the tablet is inserted into the vanity frame. The Apple iPad case also includes an applicator allowing to apply virtual make-up to a live image on the mirror screen. The app’s facial tracking technology applies virtual make-up on the girl’s face as she moves, creating an illusion that she is really getting ready for a party.

I lead the UX effort, produced 3D UI elements and animated transitions. I also produced prototypes with our partners in Taiwan. This was the first app to deliver augmented reality masks - BEFORE Snapchat!


Groundbreaking facial recognition technology

The Barbie Digital Makeover app was one of the first apps to feature facial recognition technologies paired with a connected device to apply masks to your face.

I was the lead Experience Designer on the project, creating extensive user flows that represented a truly connected experience. I had to keep in mind the user’s full experience beyond the app itself, also considering the plastic toy and makeup applicator.


Prototyping with a brand new technology

The taiwanese company we partnered with worked closely with me to formulate a testing plan. In between creating flows and specs for the app, I collaborated with our overseas developers to test out the masking mesh. It produced some… interesting results to say the least.

To dial in perfect glittery effects, I had access to a developer mode for the app, where I could quickly upload new versions of the makeup texture sheets and animated particle effects. Because I could create these effects myself it sped up the process and reduced back and forth.


The Results

User Experience



3D modeling and texturing

Sound Design