Animation & Motion Design


Animated 2D artwork using Unity's animation timeline

Spot Unity Animation
Camera tracking & animated character triggered on Tap

Monster High Game Animation
Cut scenes, & non-character animations

WallyKazzam 3D & Unity Animation
I textured and modeled all of the non-character assets, then animated the flag and the cloud effects

Gothtober Monster TV Flash Animation
Animation created over a weekend for a fun event down in Los Angeles called "gothtober" I animated 90% of this, with some help from a friend who created the guy with the beating heart :P 

Corpse Game
I was hired through Smashing Ideas to convert their flash game to an iPhone experience, and then design 4 new types of corpses and seasonal levels. I provided all of the animations for enemies, the new corpses, designed the additional seasons, and laid out the new levels in Unity!

Monster High Flash Game
I animated the Electrical effects and bubble catch animation.

Moster High Game Animation

In-game animations, UI and level design assets, Transition animations.

Banana O’Clock Music Video
Animation and illustrated cardboard backdrops for the seattle band, Bread & Butter!